Kilometers are shorter than miles…What about Calories along the way?

“Kilometres are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometres.”  George Carlin   “For almost half of my life

GREEN LADY… Refreshing Drink will make you IRON LADY or Man depending on gender!

GREEN LADY…Beat the Summer Heat with this nutritious yet Refreshing Drink! Ingredients: 5 to 6 mint leaves 2 cucumbers Some spinach leaves

Does your body Says “I Need Sugar Now!” but your tummy is still full from Brunch of SUNDAY?

Do biscuits and Rusks start calling your name by 3 to 5 PM despite of having a satisfying Brunch or lunch, you

Do you skip Breakfast or Gulp A Glass of Milk / Juice for Breakfast?… If Yes then we recommend reading this!

This may be adding to your Weight Gain All would have heard the cliché  “Eat Breakfast like a King & Dinner like

Cheat Diet Helps lose Weight, Is this Truth or False?

Day before Yesterday evening one of our patients asked me this question, and while she was asking this question, I remembered so

Can you suggest Me some Drink choices for weight loss, and why?

While people who want to lose weight often grab health drinks with sugar free, fizzy drinks or (dehydrating) weight loss drinks available

Can I spot reduce My hips and thighs by dieting?

When you create an energy deficit, by say…. eating less or exerting 2 to 3 hours in a gym, you will lose