You damage your hair everyday , excess shampooing , blow drying , coloring and Holi etc etc. The moment you see a popular film star selling you a bottle of shampoo and conditioner that promises to reverse the damage you jump and buy it. But, nothing changes you hair fall is all time high and they don’t seem to grow much.
So where are you going wrong ?
Here’s a quick video you need to go through to understand the secrets and realize that life is simple and we need to get to the root cause of things. Rather than buy fancy oils, shampoos and treatments that do far less then they promise.
- Eat Good : No brained , no matter what creams, oil , treatments etc etc you do, if you don’t eat good nothing is happening. Which means up your protein , fruits and vegetable intake. So you micros are on point
- Drink WATER : Can’t emphasis enough again simple fact you know but you don’t practice
- Workout : Go upside down open you pores increase you circulation nothing better than a handstand or headstand
- Go chemical / color free : You know that all the straightening , rebonding, streking and color does damage your hair so for sometime do take break and go natural. Embrace your natural wavy , curly , black. brown whatever hair you think are boring hair and you never know you might be the next runway trendsetter.
Do write to me if you need more help / tips for long hair