I gain Weight with anything I EAT, is it because of my Faulty Genes?

If the genes are faulty it would be the same with all of us because from generation to generation, it’s hard for

It was said that French women don’t get fat…Not anymore!

We all know that French people are known for their incredible self control and moderation when it comes to eating. And they

If you want a Baby SOON… Avoid These 3 Things!

Bringing a new life on planet earth is the most divine work for a couple and health of a woman along with

I tend to suffer from depression before my periods are due and this is the reason of my ‘comfort eating’. What can I do about it?

One of our weight loss patients, who have come from California just to get her cryolipolysis sessions done from NidSun, asked us

Ingredient In Your Orange Juice… You Will be Amazed !

100% Juiced…Do you buy orange juice at the store? If you do, I’m sure you’re careful to buy the kind that’s 100% juice and not

Another Hot HOT Question that we are bombarded with is… For Weight Control What’s the best Exercise ‘slow & long session’ or short and fast paced’HIT (High Intensity training)?

Here is our Cool energy rich Answer ….For burning calories during exercise we have 2 variables that can determine how many calories

Our Body Cries with Stress and Anxiety When WE Lie!!

Is it worth it for our physical and mental health? Every Week , the average woman tells 9 lies about food and

BURNING Question.. I am Gyming for last 1 year but I am Gaining Weight. What should I do?

Today, one of our newly joined weight loss patient had asked me this question because she gained 4.5 kgs of weight in

Kilometers are shorter than miles…What about Calories along the way?

“Kilometres are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometres.”  George Carlin   “For almost half of my life